Saurabh Jha

Review: End-to-end Arguments in System Design

These are my thoughts on the classic paper “End-to-end Arguments in System Design” written by Jerome Saltzer, David Reed, and David Clarke. It’s a very old paper; the version I read was published in 1984. The paper argues against implementing functionality at lower levels of the system. It appeals to application requirements and argues for moving a function upwards in a layered system.

I believe these ideas started gaining more ground after the advent of networked computers. The concept is motivated using examples from data communication networks and transactional systems.

The basic thesis is this: in a layered system, the correctness can only be achieved at the end-to-end level. The lower levels don’t have all the information needed to do it perfectly.

The first illustrative example in this paper is the file transfer over the network. One way to solve reliability issues is to reinforce each step and have retry policies on every network hop. Another approach to ensure reliability is end-to-end check and retry. End-to-end check and retry policies work wonderfully well if network failures are rare. Also, it results in a simpler implementation.

I can rephrase this argument in modern terms as follows. Suppose you are communicating files using TCP. TCP can ensure that your files have been transferred correctly. However, only the application can judge whether that file has been processed correctly. The communication system reliability is a performance enhancement but in no way it is sufficient.

Since not all of us play at the network level, here’s one more realistic example. Suppose you have a set of worker processes. You can communicate jobs to be done to workers using a reliable queue. The queue can ensure that jobs are delivered to workers. However, only workers can confirm that they have executed the tasks communicated to them. The queue itself cannot ensure it.

The conclusion is correctness can only be achieved at the end-to-end level. The lower levels can only help with performance. This changes the fundamental question. Instead of asking: what do we need to do to make our network highly reliable, we should ask: what changes should we do to make applications built on top of the network highly performant. Looking at it this way, this has become a performance problem. However, it is different from the majority of performance problems we encounter in our day-to-day work which look more like empirical science.

  1. You measure the system
  2. You identify the bottlenecks
  3. You fix those bottlenecks.

In contrast, the original network performance problem described above is more of an art problem. How can network help with application performance? Often, it differs from application-to-application. I am repeating the excellent example given in the paper.

Suppose your application is doing real-time voice communication. In this case, having reliability at the network layer would be disastrous. The nature of this problem demands that voice packets are fed constantly to the receiver. The lost packets should be replaced with silence. However, if your application is voice-recording, having a reliable network would make the application faster. That’s because voice-recording application have no real-time constraints. The network can take its time to ensure that all packets have been transmitted reliably. Because of a reliable network, it’s likely that the final end-to-end check will work on the first try.

In the conclusion section of the paper, a pitfall is pointed out by the authors: Specifying the communication subsystem before the specification of applications that use that subsystem. This leads to a burden on the communication subsystem designer who attempts to do more to “help” app developers.

I enjoyed reading this paper. You can find it here.